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AKA Review
May 17, 2024
At AKA, we closely follow trends and latest developments
in higher education and the nonprofit sector.

Here are some recent articles and visuals that we found particularly informative.
From The New York Times
Why the Campus Protests Are So Troubling
By Thomas Friedman
The nation’s leading Mideast observer looks at today’s campus demonstrations and highlights how too many have become part of the problem. Their dominant messages, he argues, reject important truths about how the war in  Gaza started and what is needed to bring it to a fair, sustainable end. That goal demands complex and pragmatic reasoning—not the absence of critical thinking that has resulted from a campus culture that has become way too much about what to think and not how to think. Read this article

The Weak Rationales of Protesters and Campus-Leaders: Two Views
Protesting students demand that universities divest their financial holdings in entities that do business with or    support Israel. College leaders crack down on these protests, claiming their hands are tied by Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, or national origin. The two articles below look at the  current campus demonstrations and the history of similar protests to poke holes in the most common rationales used by protesters and by college leaders for their controversial actions.
By Annie Lowrey
Universities could divest from companies that do business with or support Israel with little financial risk. But divestment offers almost no leverage over the firms being called out. For both those favoring divestment and those opposed, the issue is not financial, but political. Read this article
From The Chronicle of Higher Education
By Len Gutkin
“You can count on one hand the number of times colleges have lost federal funds for Title VI violations.” When college leaders use their vulnerability to anti-discrimination law to justify having police clear their campuses of protesters, they are over-complying, at great risk to human life. Read this article
Worth a Thousand Words
We rarely imagine how compelling or manipulative a picture can be, despite our familiarity with the Vietnam-era photo of a fleeing child aflame with napalm or Trump’s surly mug shot. The photo essay below captures slices of a fraught and fractured moment in our history. The political cartoons that follow it use visual hyperbole and dark humor to highlight questionable assumptions and behavior we miss when we are oversaturated by print reporting.
From The New Yorker
Photography by Nina Berman
A photojournalist who has documented strikes, rallies, and protests for over 40 years captures a complex reality    with startling images from the minuscule to the expansive, from the objective to the deeply personal. Read this  article
From The Week
Bob Englehart, John Darkow, Dana Summers, Nick Anderson, and Joe Heller
In the best tradition of political cartooning, five artists kick a hornets’ nest of hypocrisies on all sides of the campus    protests. Read this article
             Another image: this week’s New Yorker cover

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