Weekly Rundown
September 10, 2021
At AKA, we closely follow trends and latest developments
in higher education and the nonprofit sector.
Here are some recent articles and reports that we found particularly informative.
From The Chronicle of Higher Education: 5 Ways Higher Ed Will Be Upended By Arthur Levine and Scott Van Pelt While many higher education institutions are anticipating a "return to normal", changes caused by the pandemic are yielding consequential challenges: new postsecondary entities driving up competition and down prices; more students preferring "on-demand" education over brick and mortar facilities; and a shift from teaching skills needed for the future to those necessary now. Read this article
From Inside Higher Education: The Research University and the Elephant By Jody Greene There is a growing lack of understanding about what a research university is. Most research faculty see the role of the university to be first and foremost producing knowledge and innovative research, while student-facing professional staff believe the role to be serving and teaching students. Each side needs to understand the goals, motivations, and concerns of the other in order to ensure a better common understanding of the institution—the whole elephant, so to speak, rather than simply parts of it. Read this article
From World Economic Forum: Asian universities are on the rise. This is what it means for the rest of the world By Phil Baty The World University Rankings in the Times Higher Education indicate that Asian universities have increased their representation from just over a quarter of all ranked universities in 2016 to almost a third today. There are many factors that are influencing this shift, including fewer Asian students traveling internationally for college, a greater number of up-and-coming universities in the East, and the West’s general lack of understanding about the East. Read this article
From Wall Street Journal: What Higher Ed Can Learn From Hospitals By Bobby Jindal Universities and hospitals have both taken drastic hits from the pandemic. Hospitals overall have done a better job in adapting to changing circumstances than have universities in dealing effectively with new competition, development of innovative technology, and diversification of revenue streams. Higher education can learn a lot from hospitals. Read this article
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