AKA|Strategy continues its commitment to stay informed about the latest in higher education and the nonprofit sector. It is a pleasure to share these articles that we found both informative and engaging.
We welcome any comments or reactions to this edition of our AKA Weekly Rundown.
Higher education has long been integral to the American Dream, but has recently been unable to make an effective case about its value or adequately address the concerns of its constituents.Read this article
From Pew Research Center: America is exceptional in the nature of its political divide By Michael Dimock and Richard Wike The increasingly stark disagreement between Democrats and Republicans is more than evident. While the U.S. is hardly the only country wrestling with deepening political fissures, the degree to which it is polarized is unique.Read this article
Last year saw the acceleration of significant trends by the pandemic; this year the transformation of higher education is likely to continue.Read this article
From The Hechinger Report:
More colleges and universities outsource services to for-profit companies By Jon Marcus Colleges and universities have long outsourced services to for-profits, but outsourcing has recently expanded exponentially, getting far closer to the academic core. While outsourcing is often beneficial in many ways, there are powerful risks and implications.Read this article
From The New York Times:
How 8 Countries Have Tried to Keep Artists Afloat By Alex Marshall When the pandemic became an issue for their arts and culture industries, a host of countries took steps to buffer its strain. Here are the highlights, and missteps, from eight countries’ efforts.Read this article
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